Texas Navy Association

Board of Directors

Honorary Commander-In-Chief
Honorable Greg Abbott
Governor of Texas

The membership selects three members at large every year at the annual meeting, who will each serve a three year term on the Board. At that time, the Board selects its officers for a calendar year term. To contact these officers, log in to the web site using your member log in, and look at the directory under MEMBERS ONLY.

2024 - 2025


(Appointed to the Board)

President: Scott Powell

Vice President: Jimmy Peet

Treasurer: Kathy Howell 

Secretary: Tammy Lobaugh

 Past President: David F. Wetzel

2024 Elected Directors and their current term (* indicates 2nd term)

Andy Hall:  01/01/2024 to 12/31/2026

Charlie Patterson: 01/01/2024 to 01/31/2026

Jimmy Peet: 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2025

Kathy Howell: 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2025

Mariann Laughlin: 01/01/2021 to 01/31/2026

Tammy Lobaugh: 01/01/2023 to 01/31/2025

Wayne Courreges: 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2025

Robert Fry: 01/01/2024 to 01/31/2026

Scott Powell: 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2026

Additionally, each Squadron gets to pick a representative, who is a voting board member. This person is not subject to the same terms as elected board members. Past Presidents and Squadron Commanders also have a seat and voice at all board meetings ex-officio Board Members but do not vote. Following are the squadrons, their commanders, and their voting representative:

C. E. Hawkins Squadron
Squadron Commander - Andy Hall
Squadron Representative - Bill Turner

Chester W. Nimitz Squadron
Squadron Commander - James Ellison
Squadron Representative - Nick Gilliam

Edwin Moore Squadron
Squadron Commander - Wayne Zieschang
Squadron Representative - Kathy Howell

Mirabeau B. Lamar
Squadron Commander - Robert Williams
Squadron Representative - Dave Haglund

Sam Houston Squadron
Squadron Commander - Linda Elting
Squadron Representative - Carolyn Lightfoot

Samuel May Williams Squadron
Squadron Commander - Jimmy Peet
Squadron Representative - Greg Delk

Tom Toby Squadron
Squadron Commander - Charles Duke
Squadron Representative - Terry Miller

Zavala Squadron
Squadron Commander - Brad Chilcote
Squadron Representative - Brad Chilcote

2020 © Texas Navy Association
6341 Stewart Road #102
Galveston, Texas 77551

Contact Us: Homeport@TexasNavy.com 

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