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Our Quarterly E. W. Moore Squadron meeting was a great success and a good time was had by all.
We began the meeting with a special ceremony conducted by Deputy Commander Mike Young recognizing our newest TNA Admiral Scott Dunbar (photo on the left). His beautiful wife, Marilyn, received the Yellow Rose of Texas as well. Please welcome Admiral Scott as he joins us in our important work!
We then talked about the positions in our Squadron that need to be filled. Hugh Hornsby has joined our merry band and stepped up to volunteer for the position of Squadron Treasurer. Please thank Hugh for taking on this important responsibility. We will be opening our Squadron Bank Account next week.
We are in great need of a Squadron Secretary. Please respond to volunteer for this important position. It is not time consuming and will allow you to develop new friendships: wcourreges@icloud.com
Current Squadron Staff Officers are:
Commander – Admiral Wayne Courreges; Deputy Commander – Admiral Mike Young; Secretary – Open; Treasurer – Hugh Hornsby; Chaplain – Admiral Gordon Kelso; Texas History Liaison Officer – Admiral Tom Hauser; Washington on the Brazos Event Officer – Admiral Larry Schroeder; TNA Board Representative – Admiral Karen Thompson.
Admiral Karen Thompson (photo on the left), TNA Memorial Medallion Committee Chair and TNA Board Representative, shared with us the exciting news surrounding the new “Memorial Medallion” and our plans to honor Republic of Texas Navy heroes as we identify their gravesites. We will start with our very own interred in the Texas State Cemetery. Admiral Karen is so excited about this new opportunity that we can’t help but be excited ourselves! If you would like to be part of this important effort, please contact Admiral Karen directly: gravelady@sbcglobal.net
Admiral Steven von Roeder (photo right) captured our imagination by describing the uniforms of the men serving in the Republic of Texas Navy. He shared several of his weapons used during this period with us. We now have an incentive to follow in his footsteps by getting our very own uniforms to wear to the grave dedications that Admiral Karen envisions. I really liked the vintage musket! He is a handsome devil in his uniform. Thank you Admiral Steve!
We will be hosting a table at the upcoming Washington on the Brazos event the first weekend in March. The E. W. Moore Squadron will be telling the Republic of Texas Navy story. Please volunteer to help us make this possible. Helping us to man the table for short periods of time will be immeasurably helpful. This is our first year and we intend to make this an annual Squadron event. If you want to be part of the story, please contact Admiral Larry for more details: lschroeder@grandecom.net
We were honored to have as our guest speaker TNA President Admiral Jerry Patterson (photo on the right). He shared so many wonderful stories of our Texas past as well as his vision of the future of the Texas Navy Association. Admiral Jerry is a member of the E. W. Moore Squadron and we are blessed to have him!
Please let him know how much we appreciate his service.
As a Squadron we have a vision of where we want to go:
We want to make a commitment to man the Texas Navy exhibit at Camp Mabry once a month to tell the Republic of Texas Navy story.
We want to make the Washington on the Brazos an annual event.
We want to be the flagship for the “Memorial Medallion” effort.
We want to partnership with other like-minded organizations to promote Texas history in our schools.
We will do this by going to local schools to tell our story and other methods.
We had several new members join us last Sunday. Welcome Aboard!
Thank you for mailing me your annual Squadron dues of $24.00. So many of you have already given your dues check to me. It is not too late to send me yours. We want you and need your leadership and talent with us!!!! Please mail your check made out to “Moore Squadron-Texas Navy” if you wish to remain on the rolls to: Admiral Wayne Courreges, P. O. Box 9266, Austin, TX 78766
Please mark your calendar for our next quarterly meeting. It will take place on April 10th at Texas Land & Cattle in their “Longhorn Room” beginning at 1 PM.
Our guest speaker will be the Honorable Judge John Powers. He has written several papers on the ships of the Republic of Texas Navy and will be sharing his knowledge with us. Admiral John has not only served the Great State of Texas for many years, but he and his wife are highly respected in the arts. He is a wonderful speaker!
Calm Seas and Following Winds,
Admiral Wayne